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11. Blockbusterandmore
Kino kann eine wahre leidenschaft sein! finde alles �ber aktuelle kino, dvd, bluray-filme,trailer, aber auch filmklassiker etc . heraus.
12. Blurayreviewed
Discussion and reviews from bluray movies to bluray players.
13. Bollywood and kollywood movie reviews
Dedicated to provide reviews of the best bollywood and kollywood movies of today...
14. Books-movie-videogames
This site writes reviews on books movies and video games this is the ultimate guide to home entertainmen and fun from the couch
15. Carmen's books and movies reviews
Reviews of films i watch and books i read; essays on my favorite actors and their filmographies.
16. Cine-vision 101
The place to find film and televison show reviews, observations and theory and much more. so check it out now...
17. Cinema breve
Short reviews about all kind of movies from all years and countries. one title a day forever.
18. Cinema news
This site share news movies information new games and review
19. Cinemaeviaggi
Recensioni di film usciti a cinema e per l'home video. guide, informazioni utili e consigli di viaggio. pensieri su mostre ed eventi d�arte.
20. - movie trailers, news and more
Movie reviews, previews, trailers, hollywood news and more on
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