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11. A novel mind
A book blog with reviews, contests, and author interviews of different genres of literature.
12. A selfish man a centretruths ebook of prose fiction
Another volume of short prose in which a number of john oloughlins principal philosophical themes are recycled in literary guise for the benefit of a wider understanding, a selfish man begins with the title piece, a first-person narrative by an advocate
13. A smarter outlook
High quality educational products for all grades and adults. we have math, science, english, spelling, ged, hooked on phonics and much, much, more.
14. A visit to hell prose fiction from centretruths
A collection of short prose with philosophical overtones by john oloughlin of centretruths, whose ebook can be downloaded (vis paypal) in either monochrome (pdf) or polychrome (epub).
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18. Ace your next job interview
Learn the answers to the questions most ask in a job interview with this ebook.
19. Affiliate fire ebooks
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20. Affiliate success
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